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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Reflection 3: Response to a question about English teaching

Oral skills

by Kate on Sep 28 2008 10:03 AM

Hi, how can I get more students' participation in oral activities in the classroom?

thanks, Kate

Hi Kate,

Sometimes the material provided in books is not much interesting for students, so in that case the role of the teacher plays an important meaning in the selection of the resources that will be part of their learning.

In spite of the fact, you didn't point out the language level of your students. I think that most of the following aspects have conection with all kind of students.

First, it is very important that you are able to find out and know your students’ interests before you create any activity; because this is the most effective way to engage them when they are learning. Moreover, it is significant to know if the year is integrated only by one genre because they have similarities depending on their sex in order to guide yourself at once you make decisions about teaching. Usually, the following topics are their favorite depending on genres:

Men:Sports(Mainly soccer or football in US), video games, technology, internet...

Women: Famous people, shopping, clothing, amazing stories,entertainment...

On the other hand, topics should be focused on their good and bad sides, and so make your students discuss because they will feel the necessity to say what they are thinking about; to show their opinions since maybe the rest of the students think very different; this means that it is better to use controversial issues to encourage them to talk, preferably in higher levels (teenagers). In this aspect, a good example could be to show them visual aids, like images or videos about famous people having uncomfortable situations in their real life so as to ask them about what they would do at that moment, to face their reality.

Finally, If you are going to work with children I would suggest you to show them eye-catching and funny pictures about animals or people in order that they wake up when they watch them. It implies your creativity to generate a story that complete the sense in its context.

I hope you understand the most I pointed out because it is really important to have new ideas when you don't find alternatives to use in the classroom.

Thank you & Good Luck


(If you want, I will put some material on my blog about what I said here to show how important are visual aids in the oral skills development in school.)

My address is

I chose this question because I like finding new ways to teach in order to improve our role in the class, and the most important: that students develop their abilities through interactive activities.

Teenager level

Children Level

1 comment:

Gina Petrie/CALE/ESLG said...

Your insight that the questions and activities in books are often NOT motivating is a good one. That's often not the best place to look for getting students to speak in class. Good suggestions that you make.